The Institute of Child Health of Istanbul University was founded in 1982 in accordance with items 3 and 12 of the Turkish Higher Education Law (Law No. 2547) to serve as a postgraduate school of child health and pediatrics. Prof. Dr. Olcay Neyzi was appointed as the first institute director.
The academic studies and practices of the Institute of Child Health are based on the principles of conducting scientific research and contributing to child health in Turkey with emphasis on preventive healthcare services.
Since its foundation, the Institute of Child Health has been conducting joint programs with the Department of Pediatrics of the Istanbul Faculty of Medicine of Istanbul University. This cooperation has included staff, services, laboratories, classrooms, library and outpatient clinics. Also, from 1994 to 2009, the Institute of Child Health and the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Istanbul Faculty of Medicine jointly provided the training, research and healthcare services in the Women's and Children's Health Education and Research Unit. The staff of the Institute of Child Health consists of highly skilled pediatricians, research scientists and academicians from various disciplines including public health, mental health, sociology, anthropology, pediatric psychology, nutrition, biostatistics, biochemistry, biology, molecular genetics, and physiotherapy.
Three departments have been established in accordance with the decision of the Board of Higher Education Council dated December 23, 1982 (number 82/655) and 9 subdivisions were founded within the Department of Pediatric Basic Sciences within the following years. This organization aimed to organize, coordinate, supervise and manage postgraduate teaching and scientific research activities.
The Institute of Child Health offers a range of postgraduate programs and short courses, leveraging close links with the clinical partner, the Istanbul Faculty of Medicine hospital facilities. The Institute of Child Health offers eleven disciplinary master of science programs. These are: Maternal & Child Health, Developmental Neurology, Pediatric Nutrition, Pediatric Metabolism, Medical Genetics, Oxology, Neonatology, Pediatric Nephrology, Infectious Diseases, Emergency Pediatrics and Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, and two doctorate programs, namely, Social Pediatrics and Adolescent Health.
In the Executive Board of the Council of Higher Education dated 06.02.2020, the Department of Rare Diseases was established at the Institute with the 7/d-2 article of the law numbered 2547, amended by the law numbered 2880. The Department of Rare Diseases is the first department of its kind in Turkey.
Prof. Dr. Olcay NEYZİ 1982 – 1994
Prof. Dr. Nedret UZEL 1994 – 1995
Prof. Dr. Günay SANER 1995 - 2008
Prof. Dr. Rüveyde BUNDAK 2008 - 2016
Prof. Dr. Mübeccel DEMİRKOL 2016 - 2020
Prof. Dr. Emine Gülbin GÖKÇAY 2020 – to date
Sübbiye HALİS 1985 -1999
Ayşegül ÇEBİ 1999 - 2016
Hacer ÖĞÜT 2016 – 2020
Ayşegül ÇEBİ 2020 – present